Author : Valve
Source : blog.dota2.com

Atropos the Bane Elemental, also known simply as bane, is a strong support / ganker ranged intelligence hero, possessing dark abilities that can disable enemies. bane is unique because his attributes are all equal, including its gain per level. using his abilities, he can disable up to 3 separate targets at once. since they are all single-targeted, he lacks area of effect presence and pushing power. despite this, bane is a dangerous foe to encounter as he can debuff his enemies, absorb their energies, and render them helpless. banes disables can be a great support for his allies, as well as a great way to kill his unfortunate foe. when the gods have nightmares, it is bane elemental who brings them. also known as atropos, bane was born from the midnight terrors of the goddess nyctasha. a force of terror too powerful to be contained by sleep, he surfaced from her slumbers, fed upon her immortality, and stole his vaporous form from her inky blood. he is the essence of fear. mortals who hear his voice hear their darkest secrets whispered in their ear. he calls to the hidden fear in every heros heart. wakefulness is no protection, for banes black blood, continuously dripping, is a tar that traps his enemies in nightmare. in the presence of bane, every hero remembers to fear the dark.